August 13, 2011

20 Days Challenges

Hikhik , challenges kali ni macam mencabar sikit ;3 Nak try lah \gedik/ Challenges nh dapat dari blog D I A R Y I K H A . Let see it .

20 Days Challenges ; 

 1-Five facts about you

Fasihah Bt Abdul Latiff . 15 y/o . Taken . Hate exam . Love Nikon and Canon ♥ 

 2- Goals in your life

Respect parent will make our life excellent .

 3-Your favourite song

Selena Gomez - Love You Like A Song

 4-Your favourite book

My novel tittle Kau dan Aku 

 5-A picture that makes you smile

Op course lah , picture aku dgn Amie ♥ 

 6-A picture you love the most

Op course lah . picture aku dgn Amie \ayad sama dgn atas/ . WTH ;>

 7-Your hobbies

Shopping kut :P

 8-Your idol

Hmm , sape eh . Parent ♥ 

 9-Describe your wardrobe

Emm ----> taknak ckp sebab taktahuuuuu :P

 10-Describe your blog

Blog ? Blog ini pakai Minima Template . Dah lama wujud cuma takaktif sgt . Tema blog ini agak seldom change it . Sebab malas :/ Selalu warna biru cair , purple cair dan warna pink . Warna lain taktry lagi ;p Suka blog simple 

 11-Why did you have a blog

It none ur bisnness :P

 12- Blog you visit the most

Op course blog ni -----> Akak Nazihah Anuar

 13-Your own quote

Quote ini berdasarkan life ---> Do not need a friends like you .

 14-What you have hanging on your walls

Em , paper for study \rarely/ Nak try gantung picture Amie bole dak :P

 15-Your ambition

Wants to be a stewardess 

 16-Things you can't afford to loose

Amie AKA boyfriend . Canon . T-shirt that I love and handfon err ;3

 17-Moments you will never forget

Flighting . Face to face with Amie  

 18-Three things makes you proud to be you

Have a Canon . Having Amie with biycle :P

 19-Things that annoys you

Who are had STOLE my Amie

 20-If you had a wish, what could it be

Honeymoon at PARIS with KOREA ♥ ♥ ♥  

    Kenapa entry bila ada LOVE jd macam tuuu :<

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